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Updated:March 11, 2022

Mayor’s comment about sending of a written protest to a military invasion to Ukraine by Russia.

March 11, 2022


The Russian Federation president,
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Excellency,

It's the act which threatens peace, order and safety in an international society as well as in Ukraine, and violates obviously the Charter of United Nations that your country did a military invasion to Ukraine, and it's never possible for us to approve it.

I protest strictly against a military invasion to Ukraine by your country as a mayor of the "global environment protection and a peaceful city declaration” autonomy which craves the prosperity of the human-being and the lasting peace of the world are achieved while defending safe and peaceful civvy street and beautiful hometown.

At the same time, I strongly request you to suspend the offensive to Ukraine immediately, make the Russian troops withdrawn and also to settle this matter by the means peacefully early for realization of lasting peace of the world.


Norio Tomonaga
Mayor of Sasebo



