ホーム > 観光情報 > 観光スポット > 日本遺産「鎮守府 横須賀・呉・佐世保・舞鶴 ~日本近代化の躍動を体感できるまち~」 > 【鎮守府】佐世保市の構成文化財 > 立神煉瓦倉庫群 > The Imperial Japanese Navy Sasebo Naval Station Weapon Warehouse Section Cartridge Warehous
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Updated:June 7, 2023
This building was completed in November 1888 during the first phase of the Sasebo Naval Station construction. A cartridge is a type of pre-assembled firearm ammunition. It packages a bullet and a propellant substance used for rifles, autocannons, and small-caliber guns.
There used to be another building of the same style on the west side and they were collectively called cartridge warehouse. Though it is a one-story building, the attic was able to be used as storage space by adopting a queen-post truss to support the roof. The existing wood blocks are remnants of the inside wall that was covered with wood. The excavation research found some building ruins and site preparation works, so this is an important place to trace the history of Sasebo Naval Station.